VelocityPHP Framework

Component driven high performance commercial framework

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Why another framework?

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the question arises: why introduce another framework into an already crowded ecosystem? VelocityPHP was born out of a desire to address specific challenges and gaps left by existing solutions, with a focus on performance, security, and flexibility.

VelocityPHP Framework Benefits

High Performance

Engineered for speed, VelocityPHP ensures your applications run swiftly and efficiently.

Advanced Security

With LockDown Component, VelocityPHP provides robust security features to protect your applications.


Customize and extend with ease using VelocityPHP's flexible architecture and component system.

Modular MVC

We do MVC differently, keeping each page a contained module.

Advanced DBAL

Created with simplicity in mind and connection management for scaling.


Because it is modular design each module could be run on its own server or database, or even through the API.


VelocityPHP's components system and its ever-growing collection represent the framework's core strengths, offering unparalleled modularity and extensibility to developers. This innovative system allows for the seamless integration and customization of functionality, ensuring that developers can tailor the framework to meet their precise needs without the bloat or constraints of unnecessary features. Each component, from ACLMiddleware to NexusDB, is designed to work independently or in concert, providing a solid foundation for building robust, scalable applications. As the collection grows, it continues to embrace the latest developments in web technology, security, and performance optimization, ensuring that VelocityPHP remains at the forefront of modern web development. This approach not only facilitates rapid application development but also fosters a vibrant ecosystem where contributions and improvements are continuously integrated, making VelocityPHP a dynamic and future-proof choice for developers. 40 components and counting 😉


About Us

VelocityPHP is developed by Jeffrey D Behnke a Senior Engineer with over 20 years of programming experience.

Is VelocityPHP available?

We are sorry to say that currently VelocityPHP is private source and only used on in house corporate applications. The purpose of this site is social proof that an amazing and powerful framework exists.

We hope that in the future we will blog about and document some of it's components and talk about its concept.